Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why does everyone hate vince russo?

Now I watched some of wcw, a few episodes but I don't remember much of it. I'm 17, so I was young during the attide era, I mainly watched wwf in which I remember watching it all the time. But my question is, why does everyone hate Vince Russo so much. Wasn't he head writer of wwf during the attitude era, and it had phenominal stories. Now I know people say, ''Well, Vince mcmahon had to be there to tell him what was a bad idea". Yeah, I completley understand that, however that doesn't mean your a bad writer. Screenplay's tend to go through tons of re-writes by other writers before being adapted into movies. So my question is, if Vince Russo wrote some of the best storyline's with a little help, why does everyone hate him so much. In TNA, when something goes wrong, everyone blames it on Vince Russo instead of hogan and bishoff who are practibly in charge. So my question is, why do people hate Vince Russo, If I remember right he wrote some of the best fueds during the attitude era?

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